By depr3ssed - 31/01/2010 17:42 - United States

Today, I realized what all the women I've been with have in common: Craigslist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 558
You deserved it 29 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I kinda call it a win for being able to find more than one REAL person on craigslist...

HeresReality 0

for those of you who don't understand, craigslist is a website where people can advertise their job openings. it is used In this context when prostitutes advertise themselves ad this is how the OP gets women


lilbyrd43 0

how much? 30 "roses"? per "lady"?

love In Craiglist calls for desperation?? meaning pure dirty sex no Ty!!! lol

this FML author makes craigslist sound like a disease O.o

Why does everyone use CraigsList so much? It's such a shit and poorly made website.

BikerMike 0

Watch out, LEO's have been using Craigslist to arrest providers and clients.

Not an FML. You chose to use Craigslist...