By depr3ssed - 31/01/2010 17:42 - United States

Today, I realized what all the women I've been with have in common: Craigslist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 558
You deserved it 29 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I kinda call it a win for being able to find more than one REAL person on craigslist...

HeresReality 0

for those of you who don't understand, craigslist is a website where people can advertise their job openings. it is used In this context when prostitutes advertise themselves ad this is how the OP gets women


davek 36

Craigslist? Did you actually find anyone on there who was a) truthful b) sane c) single d) attractive?

gazelle_fml 0

so change the way u aproach girls and go after diferent types:P duh

he trying to say he only gets with escorts. lame

xvxblackdahlia 0

damn. that's a fail. and Jidda sad. sorry bro. fyl

omnistryder 0
aj1218 0

OP, please learn from your parent's mistake and use birth control.

539533 0