By thatsucks - 17/05/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I realized that my father's weekly unemployment check is more than my bi-weekly pay check. My full time job pays less than my father's unemployment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 063
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My sister makes more with unemployment than I make with an actual's just stupid.

Sounds like somebody doesn't understand how unemployment works.


He needs to pay taxes on his unemployment. Your taxes are already deducted from your paycheck.

biweekly means twice a week. which means you get paid twice a week. which means that if your biweekly pay check was the same amount as your dad's weekly unemployment check, you would be getting paid double what he does. dumbass.

wow. yeah, F my government. this is what happens when we elect a socialist..........people get rewarded for not working.

Welcome to America, where laziness is rewarded....

iroquoiswho1033 0

Quit and file for unemployment... and hope for the best! lol

Welcome to the U.S. of A., where a gay, lesbian, or black citizen can attend college for free, while a kid with a 4.0 GPA, a 29 ACT score and an Associates Degree out of High School has to pay 18,000 a year for a college education because he and both of his white parents have a job.

flyswatterlad 0

Those of you that know what you are talking about, cookies for all of you. For the rest of you who have to comment just to say "th gvnment sux man, i haet abaoma, laize peopl jus sit on der ass," just stop it. Nobody wants to hear the opinions of a 12 year old that has no idea what they're talking about. Listen to the people who know what they're saying.

just some of the bigger issues America has to fix I could go on a rant but prefer not to.. kudos to 143

l33tm0nk3y 0

The welfare system is all kinds of ****** up, and there's really no one politician or even political party to blame for it.