By thatsucks - 17/05/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I realized that my father's weekly unemployment check is more than my bi-weekly pay check. My full time job pays less than my father's unemployment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 063
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My sister makes more with unemployment than I make with an actual's just stupid.

Sounds like somebody doesn't understand how unemployment works.


CPTobvious_fml 0

that's what you get for being stupid... nice job being a dropout... I'm sure this is one of many lessons on why you are an idiot

People obviously don't know how unemployment coverage works. And because I'm not bored enough, I will just sit here and chuckle at their ignorance rather than try to enlighten them.

Kitty34_fml 0

This isn't an FML. I would assume your dad is 40+, which means he probably works full time and make $35-45 an hour. Chances are, if you make less than $12 or $13 an hour, his unemployment will be more than your pay. I say F your dad's life because he doesn't have a job right now. He may be bringing in more money than you right now, but unemployment insurance doesn't last very long..

Based on how unemployment is calculated, the longer you've worked and the more you've made increases how much unemployment you receive. Since he's likely 20-30 years older than you are, his unemployment being even significantly higher is not surprising.

mike3e 0

no $#!t its you're father... he's been working longer than you.... he was getting paid more too... at least you didn't lose your job like him. be grateful

#27 - raising minimum wage only contributes to the problem, it doesn't solve anything. You can't make money out of nothing, as the Germans learned after WWII. Raising minimum wage is one of the causes of hyperinflation. Seriously, people, try to learn something before you spew your uninformed opinions all over the place...

Don't blame the government for giving your dad too much. Blame your employer for giving you too little.

Since when do teachers get the entire summer off? Aside from having to make all new lesson and curriculum plans, they need the equivalent of earning a masters degree every 5 years in either college credits or workshops in order to maintain their teaching certificate, and to meet all new state and federal requirements which often require dozens of hours of training that doesn't apply to act 80 credits. And thats not to mention the hours outside of the school spent grading homework and preparing lesson plans. In the US, the average elementary teacher spends 15% of their own salary on materials needed for lessons that the school won't cover

Kbd77, If your parent is unemployed there is no excuse for you to be going to a school that costs $12,000/year. There are free schools out there. And even if you want to go private, any student who cares to can get a free education at a Catholic school. And its even more ridiculous that an unemployed person would be paying for their child to attend a university that costs $40,000/year. Thats needlessly expensive. Your sister could have either worked to support her own tuition, or she could have went to a reasonably priced university. I went to a university that is the best in the East for my major and I had $30,000 in loans TOTAl after 4 years

Allord 0

That'll teach you for working for a living