By thatsucks - 17/05/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I realized that my father's weekly unemployment check is more than my bi-weekly pay check. My full time job pays less than my father's unemployment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 063
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My sister makes more with unemployment than I make with an actual's just stupid.

Sounds like somebody doesn't understand how unemployment works.


well at the moment unemployed college student looking for a job and all im saying is that there are issues like this that the government and corporations need to work on together

itsajeannettey 0 know what sucks more people who get welfare and have never worked a day in their lives and milk the government make more on their checks than the working person...thats one reason why our economy is screwed

Don't you have minimum wage or something? Go to your boss and ask for a raise. If he doesn't give it then quit!

You have a job, quit being ungrateful.

Which is exactly the reason there are people who live on welfare.

emilyistrueblue 1

You can blame obama for that. See y people are fat and lazy?? They get more money from sitting on their asses watching tv all day then they do from a real job..democrats, wake up! Sorry..

fml1358 0

either your dad gets too much for an umemployment check or you need to find a new job

Ever seen the original "Fun with Dick and Jane"? Jane tells Dick not to get a job because they can't afford for him not to be unemployed.