By helen - 10/05/2011 03:44

Today, I realized that I give the computer screen a thumbs up whenever I see something cool. I work on computers in front of people all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 488
You deserved it 26 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it weird that I held my thumbs up to my iPhone while reading this?

xmayne 0

no, being normal is overrated.


Is it weird that I held my thumbs up to my iPhone while reading this?

xmayne 0

no, being normal is overrated.

I think the thumbs up needs to make a come back, along with chest bumps and behind the back low double five.

UnicornHooker 0

Well, 28, I'm currently trying to revive the infamous Jack and Karen tummy-bump from Will and Grace. I feel it's catching on. There is hope for the abandoned gestures of the nineties!

I give the computer a pat on the back and $20 for taxi, once I finish having a wank

badbe 0

I don't think you have to worry if it's seeing something cool while working...

at least you don't talk to yourself which I mean is okay as long as you don't start answering yourself

UnicornHooker 0

Oh Christ, my mother does that. I hope I don't inherit that "quirk", she's already given me her bipolar disorder and horrible nose.

Looks like it's time to step outside for a little while...


Depends how many cool things are you seeing daily..

Pownzeez 0

just say u were skyping someone lol

At work? That's worse than being weird.