By bras r expensive ppl - 27/01/2017 16:00

Today, I realized I was at a top quality ski resort when, while riding the lift, I counted three bras which appeared to have been thrown into the trees from the lift. My little brother counted eight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 157
You deserved it 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm assuming it's the bra tree in sunshine village? Yeah, one of my bras are on that tree...


I'm assuming it's the bra tree in sunshine village? Yeah, one of my bras are on that tree...

cootiequeen4444 11

Is that a real thing or is this a joke? I'd assume it is a joke but idk... bras in trees under a ski lift seems really odd. If I'm right in assuming you made a legit statement.. what the ****? who came up with that? Why? That's kinda bizarre. (though I don't really see how it affects OP...)

At all of the ski resorts I've been to there are either bras or jewelry in the trees.

Hug_a_Deathclaw 8

A lot of ski resorts have one tree like that

It's a real thing lmao. I saw it while skiing up in Banff before

It's a real thing. We have one here too.

t_b_12345 2

They have a tree like that at Mad River Mountain in Ohio too

Someone needs to give that tree a shirt... or several. It's underclothes are exposed!

Instead of counting bras in the trees, you should be counting the boobs skiing down the hill!

you're a dude. You needn't worry about bras, unless you're having sexy times.

One, you do realize the gender markers on this site don't always work right, yes? So OP could be a woman and their post is just marked wrong. Two, even if OP really IS a guy, how is it your business to tell him if he should care? Men can give a shit about these things. He may have a sister or other female family member and therefore recognize how much of a hassle it can be to get decent bras, thereby knowing how wasteful it is to just throw them onto a tree.

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you're a dude. You needn't worry about bras, unless you're having sexy times.

The bra tree is a classic at many ski resorts!

That's any ski resort. Crested Butte, Colorado has about 3 of those trees per lift. One mountain in Massachusetts had panties. And people ski down the slopes with out shirts.

You've obviously never been to a ski resort let alone a "top quality" resort. Bra trees are fantastic. They're tradition in Colorado honestly

I've been to many ski resorts. In my experience, they do this in the US, Canada, and Austria.