By DLS - 18/02/2010 18:05 - United States

Today, I realised I know the map on World of Warcraft better than the map of my own country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 253
You deserved it 44 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you live in Monaco or The Vatican that's to be expected.

actually WoWs map is quite detailed... there is a lot going on... however I also know WoWs map better than our country's... simply because I never look at an atlas but I see WoW everyday... and yes I have a life... I simply enjoy gaming


schlagen 0

You expect us to feel sorry for you for wasting your life on a video game? No you will get no sympathy you ******* loser.

I'm not sure whether to click YDI or Your Life is ******... I mean, if you play it so much that you know more things about it than in the real world, then there's a problem. But then again, I wouldn't be able to name each of the states in the US, but that might be because I'm Canadian. Either way, just make sure you have other things to do than play WoW. I quit nearly a year ago, and to be honest its a lot better. At times I miss it, like last night when I found my old screen shots. But when I think about it, I didn't actually have anything to do once I got to level 80, and most of the people I knew had quit due to the recessions.

YDI, for getting worried about that useless shit lol, stop complaining

FYI OP seriously, but at least he posted an fml. it's the tens of thousands (maybe more) that do not even know how ****** their lives are.

acesarge 0

So what? The WoW map isn't hard to remember, I don't see how knowing a map of a game well is a bad thing. This website needs a "who gives a ****: option. For all of you who are telling this guy to get a life and calling WoW players "nerds", Don't you have anything better to do then go on the internet and make fun of anyone who has different interests then you? Shouldn't you be outside getting drunk or ******* your girlfriend?

Ultravyolet 0

I feel your pain. Because I'm the same. I could probably name every single zone in WoW right now xD

Tamara2011 0

I know games are addicting but come on alot of people can't name all 50 states and were citizens maybe you should take a day study our country then keep playing you will feel better and still get to play your game win win see just some thinking is all it takes duh!