By DLS - 18/02/2010 18:05 - United States

Today, I realised I know the map on World of Warcraft better than the map of my own country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 253
You deserved it 44 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you live in Monaco or The Vatican that's to be expected.

actually WoWs map is quite detailed... there is a lot going on... however I also know WoWs map better than our country's... simply because I never look at an atlas but I see WoW everyday... and yes I have a life... I simply enjoy gaming


cutiepeye 0

lol I'm with you on this one.

CyclonePsycho 1


d4rkn3s5 0

To all of you telling him to get a life, go outside, or anything to that effect, did you ever stop to consider he may not want to do so? I personally have experienced the effects that WoW can have on a person. I dont like people, or parties, or the whole 'social scene' so when i discovered this game it was an amazing escape for me. Luckily in this past week i have realized that it is very addicting and eventually self destructive. Best of luck OP, whether you are trying to quit, or still enjoying ICC in all its glory.

my music teacher is addicted to world of Warcraft lol so your not alone it's probably the same with her :D

playing mw2 enough to know the secret spots or all the maps makes it seem like you don't have a life, which I'm sure you don't have

cam007_fml 0

I don't see the issue. No need to travel with that addiction.

scotty1234 0