Cursed FML

By Anonymous - 30/12/2020 11:01

Today, my parents think the only reason I'm gay is because I have a curse that makes me attracted to women, and I'm actually straight. At this point, even my older sisters believe it, which is crazy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 054
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP is your family superstitious, religious, or just delusional?

Even without the whole "women are more difficult to be in a relationship with" thing, having to wade through oceans of women to find the one of two compatible lesbians in the mix does suck.


OP is your family superstitious, religious, or just delusional?

So what IS the real reason why you are gay?

tounces7 27

I mean, your personal situation is terrible, but then again, honestly, if the preferences and words of my bisexual friends is any indication, being attracted to females exclusively would be a bit of a curse, apparently they're more difficult to be in a relationship with than men on average.

Even without the whole "women are more difficult to be in a relationship with" thing, having to wade through oceans of women to find the one of two compatible lesbians in the mix does suck.

I've actually found women are way easier to be in relationships with. I've also found that if someone believes in curses, it's really easy to go to a Spirit store around Halloween time, get a cloak and wizard staff, and start threatening them with the power of the curse unless they accept you for who you are...

tounces7 27

I wouldn't know personally - but on the upside, they also say women are better for sex.

bobsanction 18

I say run with it. Start threatening them with The Gay as well if they don't knock it out.