By collegegrad - 15/10/2013 15:51 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I read an article about the top 10 worst jobs this year. This list includes my degree and three of my main skills and interests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 742
You deserved it 5 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let that article dictate your life. Stay positive. They're YOUR interests and you shouldn't regret them.

Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board for you. Wait...graphic artist is on that list too. Um, never mind.


Don't let that article dictate your life. Stay positive. They're YOUR interests and you shouldn't regret them.

cheshirecat13242 32

Agreed, #1! OP, maybe it's a good time to expand your horizons..

As long as they are happy with his/her job and make good money then who cares. Maybe the article will make others not want to pursue whatever ops career is, and then op will be needed more in his/her line of work. Just looking on the bright side.

Exactly; if you're going to be in a profession for your whole life, the only thing that really matters is that YOU enjoy it. What other people think is unimportant.

perdix 29

#1, I don't think the OP would have submitted this as an FML if he didn't think the list was correct. Most people find engineering extremely boring, but I find it exciting, and I don't give a shit what "most people" think.

\ 28

"Find a job that you love, and you will never work a day in your life." -Confucius Unfortunately, today this quote has taken on a literal meaning.

Steve95401 49

Unless you're going into a dying industry, stay the course. Employment trends can change from year to year and your chosen field could be on the upswing by the time you graduate.

Yes. I hate opinionated articles that pretend they're objective. It me just want to find that writer and punch him in the face, even in cases where his opinion is the same as mine.

The reason it was on the list is because it will be hard to find a job and make money, not because people don't enjoy it

CallMeMcFeelii 13

That's exactly what I was thinking, 71. It was most likely an article stating that those certain professions are the hardest to make a career out of, rather than the likability or enjoyment level of said career paths. I think OP is worried they won't be able to get a job in the field they studied instead of worrying about liking the job they've chosen.

One list I read had my field as the highest rate of unemployment (15% unemployment rate); I got a full time, unionized job with incredible benefits and retirement before I even graduated. If you're good at what you do and are passionate about it, you'll find a job. If you're not good at it...are you sure you're in the right field?

#16 How can you say you agree with #1, yet you just wrote that he should find mire interests?

tjv3 10

Don't worry OP America is broke so it doesn't matter

#49 I couldn't disagree with you more. i'm a Software Developer and I love it, I go to work and solve coding puzzles for eight hours, then get paid well for it and have beautiful work to show for it. The day flies by and doesn't feel like work, and when I go home I do projects for myself, just like my coworkers. It's possible to make money doing what you love. You just have to work hard to get to that point. If you love playing video games then go to school until you can test them or design then and get a job doing that.

cheshirecat13242 32

#88--Shut up, that's how.. And nice mustache

well, not exactly. If you find a job you love, you're just making money by doing something that you find fun and enticing. I guess you really don't work if you love it, although I'm not sure what you mean by literal meaning. #49

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If you like what you do who cares what some random article sais. Most articles are not very accurate anyways.

Well, I guess it's back to the drawing board for you. Wait...graphic artist is on that list too. Um, never mind.

Asses tend to be on a list all their own.

I'm sure ER doctors were on that list right?

Ozzmonster - I would definitely have put them on the list.

Noor- That would be RN or surgical tech, and yes on a separate list, like jobs in demand.

Hey, Chloe, did you see that? Oh no, too late. It went over your head.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't go out and at least try it. Give it a shot and see for yourself.

I agree. Plus you'll have more experience at your disposal.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

don't pay attention to that crap,, congrats on having a degree

Damn that sucks but don't listen to ranking and do what you love

well no one wants the job so you will never have for compete

"Worst jobs" lists generally mean the jobs that have too MUCH competition. That's what makes them "worst" because it means you'll have a hard time finding work and it won't pay well.

Just remember that a lot of these "top tens" lists are written by people who've never stepped foot into your kind of work envirinment.

TheDrifter 23

True, they're usually written by the job placement people at the welfare offices, the true experts in who's not gonna find decent paying work.

Jst4kicks 16

well hopefully you find a job in your field!

do what makes you happy! even if it is being a garbage man, or whatever other jobs are on that list

These rankings are based on median salary, projected growth, and overall job satisfaction among employees. Garbage men/women get paid pretty well and are always in demand because people think the job is gross. Truth is, my dad does it for the university 2 days per week and loves sitting in his climate controlled truck, listening to music. It beats the rest of his work for the grounds department--out in the weather on heavy equipment.