By ShortTermMemoryFailure - 01/11/2018 08:00 - Canada - Halifax

Today, I discovered that I once again forgot my credit card in the vending machine at work. This is the second time in a week that this happened, and now 6 coworkers have bought drinks with my card since I lost it. I have no way of making it back to work for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 367
You deserved it 3 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does one forget their credit card in a vending machine--let alone more than once?

ohsnapword 21

Step 1: Report fraudulent charges Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit.


ohsnapword 21

Step 1: Report fraudulent charges Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit.

julfunky 29

Step three doesn’t really apply since simply getting your own money back isn’t considered a profit. Then again, if step 2 consists of personally suing those who used the credit card I suppose that could be correct.

How does one forget their credit card in a vending machine--let alone more than once?

Call and ask someone you trust to get your card back and hold it for you until you get back. Then, start using change from now on.

How much can they drink in a week? It might cost you a few hundred dollars, but you’ll be a hero to your thirsty coworkers for years to come, and you can’t put a price tag on that!

bl3ur0z3 17

Do you have a way of canceling your card and ordering a new one? Seems like the sensible thing to do.

Maybe you should pay cash or be more careful with your card, especially if you are only there sporadically. YDI.

Call someone at your job who you trust to hold your card for you until you can get it. Then, start using change in the vending machines from now on.

You don’t have one person at work who would keep the card safe for you? That doesn’t sound like a great workplace.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

does that mashine accept cash? because if it does I think you should use cash from now on

Leaving behind a credit card once is dumb, but not out of the realm of reality. Doing it twice in the same week is just plain stupid. Some people are just not adequately equipped for life.