By Anonymous - 17/05/2011 16:15 - United States

Today, I posted my status on Facebook as "slightly hungover." My grandma commented on it with "liar, you were helping me clean last night." She's right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 380
You deserved it 70 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're cool. Posting fake Facebook starters always makes you cooler.

You're cool. Posting pictures of yourself with big headphones and not smiling always means you're cool.


Volcano47 0

your friends w/ your grandma .___•

coreyraymond 0

who would give a shit anyway ydi for telling everyone something that doesent matter and that's a lie also

matildalillyysto 0

ur friends wit ur grandma on facebook?? ydi for that and for being a liar

flippinfail_fml 7

YDI for being friends with your grandma on Facebook.

fjretsel 1

You were cleaning out your Grandma's pussy????

You definitly deserved that haha XD and your grandma is awesome haha

talktomandybaby 8

gotta loves grandparents O_o

talktomandybaby 8

gotta loves grandparents O_o