Holy smokes

By Anonymous - 24/07/2021 18:01

Today, I’m down to my last, partially snapped cigarette. I carefully taped it back together, enough for at least half a smoke. I then snapped it completely while opening the door to go outside and smoke it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 317
You deserved it 1 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dissapointment 11

Man this one sucks I swiped the wrong way and approved it

Is this not a sign from the universe that maybe you ought to quit smoking?


This is probably the most pathetic FML I've ever read.

Dissapointment 11

Man this one sucks I swiped the wrong way and approved it

Is this not a sign from the universe that maybe you ought to quit smoking?

Quit smoking and this will never happen to you again.

I don't know what kind of response you were expecting, but if you think this is bad, you need a new hobby. Might I suggest staring at grass growing? Actually... forget that. You'd probably be so pathetically desperate you'd try smoking it. And no, I'm not talking about THAT kind of grass.

Wasn’t expecting any kind of response, just sharing an ironic scenario that happened to me. Which is literally the point of FML is it not?

Obligatory "Quit Smoking" suggestion here. I quit in 2018 and have never regretted it. However, for people who still smoke and have broken cigarettes: If your cig breaks in the middle, tear the top off and smoke it down, but leave a cm or so above the filter. Roll it in your fingers to get rid of the bits so you have a little empty tube space near the filter. Even out the piece of cigarette you broke off earlier and twist the end just a little bit so you can worm it back and forth into the empty space you have in front of the filter. Light and smoke. Do not tap or flick the ashes here, it'll fall right out.