By sadcartoons - 12/02/2011 18:57 - Canada

Today, my son and I attended my mother's funeral. It was the first time he'd been to such an event, so to ease his grief and distract him, I turned on Max and Ruby when we got home. He quickly broke into tears; apparently, it was the episode where Max and Ruby prepare their grandma a special birthday gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 140
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Acousticpixie14 6

It's okay. He may feel sad now, but it'll help him develop coping skills that he'll use for the rest of his life. That has got to be an incredibly difficult situation to be in as a parent. You're dealing with grief and trying to be a source of support for your son. I hope you two heal soon [:

# 2: It's not a sad cartoon; it's a cartoon with a grandma.


DogmaT_fml 4

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jemm94 0

Well the cartoon wasn't sad, they were just giving their grandmother a birthday gift. The sad pary was the terrible coincidense that he watched it right after his own gradmother's funeral.

awwe :( poor kid, I feel his pain :( my grandma died in november and I couldnt stop crying, and I'm 16

funnyFMLSplz 0

my grandma died and I watched Tom and Jerry and it was the show when Jerry went to hell it made me think ALOT ;(

sephoraprincess 7

28-aww. I'm sure your grandma made it to heaven though :))

22, it doesn't matter how old you are, if you loose someone close to you, you're bound to hurt at least a bit.

TrollsHaveSouls 0
stewpididiot 11

#3 yeah, you're a ****** douche !!!

xNikkiez 0

I think this is more of a FHL, not yours...

Why? OP's mother died. Does that not deserve a ' **** My Life '?

Sorry 4, but you need to think more.

27: 3 things: 1) Don't you think you shouldn't use a double negative? <---(sarcasm; somebody's not gonna get it) 2) Watching cartoons doesn't necessarily mean he's young. 3) He's going to have to go a funeral at some point. Sheltering him now will only cause problems later on. The first two are facts and the third one is just my opinion. Others may disagree.

Kelita 0

#4 FHL....really???.... he's a child for Christ sake. Can't u just put sorry for ur loss n his.....??? Just to let u know, YOU ARE A BITCH. N honey that ain't nothin to b proud of ya dumb hoe.

derpherp 0

^ Oh snap, you go guuurl. Just because #4 said it is more a FHL, doesn't make her a hoe. Death is a bigger FML, literally. You're the bigger bitch.

and doesn't she look like a trannie in her profile pic too?

wendyyyy 0

agree! 46 needs to take a chill pill. nothing classy about those fightin' words.

Kelita 0

62 do u really think I care....???? Uh try no lol

#4, how is this an FHL? First off, OP's mother whom is the kid's grandmother has died, that both of their lives f'd, then the mother turns on what happens to be a depressing-for-the-situation episode of the kid's possibly favorite cartoon show. Don't you think the mother (OP) is feeling a bit bad about that? Think about it, even if it takes you all year.

kenshinjapan 2
Acousticpixie14 6

It's okay. He may feel sad now, but it'll help him develop coping skills that he'll use for the rest of his life. That has got to be an incredibly difficult situation to be in as a parent. You're dealing with grief and trying to be a source of support for your son. I hope you two heal soon [:

# 2: It's not a sad cartoon; it's a cartoon with a grandma.

wolf_wizard1134 9

He doesn't have a grandma anymore, seeing the show was a painful reminder, it sucks, but not your fault op. Silver lining, at least the show gave him a way to cry out some of the grief.

birds_fml 7

And how are you holding up, OP? I get that a mother's first priority it their own children, but it must suck for you too to have your mom die.

wow that sucks op.. you see things like that in tv shows all the time, but it actually happens.. sorry for your loss