By Anonymous - 26/06/2016 17:45 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I overheard my friends laughing about how my anxiety means I'll be single forever. I was too anxious to confront them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 948
You deserved it 1 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ourtneyc 14

friends who don't even try to understand mental health issues aren't friends at all OP

What kind of friends are they? Get people that can understand and accept who you are.


nocturnalbunbuns 10

Don't let your "friends" discourage you! I suffer from sever anxiety as well, and I met someone very special. I also made some friends too! I'll be cheering for you!

Just remember this, you can beat any anxiety issues by taking it head-on.

Lazer_Katz 10

Who are they to say who you are? You're strong and brave!

Don't bother confronting them, just cut them out of your life, plain and simple.

Don't worry. You'll find someone who respects your anxiety. If you want, try meeting people like you. I did, and it helped.

I'm totally dating a guy who has anxiety... like really bad anxiety. We're very much in love. It happens. Online Dating sites might help you, cause it worked for us!

mrsmisled519121 6

those aren't your friends. they're assholes

I would like to point out that if they were laughing at you then they're not really your friends.