By Deirbhile - 03/05/2009 16:40 - United States

Today, I overheard my dad's friend complaining to my dad that his new baby boy is a ginger. I continued listening, and heard my dad saying, "Yeah, there's nothing worse than having a ginger." I'm his daughter. I'm a ginger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 787
You deserved it 7 073

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkducttape 0

harsh and uncalled for. i actually like red hair.

lookitsnatash 0

I didn't think anybody but Eric Cartman thought so low of red-haired people.


coffeennicotine 0

Yea, FYL. That was seriously rude of your dad and his friend.

Authoress 0

Your dad is a jackass. But chickie, be proud of your red hair! Tons of guys love it. I'm a redhead (female) and I get tons of compliments on my hair color. People who are saying things against redheads: you guys are being stupid and not really funny. As can be seen, discrimination against redheads does exist. Have you ever heard of "gingerphobia?" It's just as stupid and baseless as discriminating against race.

goldfalsebond 0

Well, gingers suck. Now, make sure that you are not a daywalker, because there is a difference and actually, i like daywalkers. Gingers have red hair, freckles, usually hazel eyes, are obnoxious, and are complete ass holes. And to be a Ginger, you must be all of those A daywalker usually does not have too many freckles and are not d-bags.

fmlonthedaily 0

i have red hair! ive been called a ginger so many gets really annoying...its not even funny anymore. people are just jealous because we are unique!!

Why do people keep saying they love redheads when there's a very thick line between a redhead and a ginger? Redheads aren't also inherently ghostly pale and freckled. Also, agreed with the person questioning the FML, as people with no souls shouldn't have emotions.

suckstobeyou3 0