By CyberPsycho - 28/07/2016 16:24 - United States - Nashville

Today, I noticed quite a few scars on one of my coworker's legs. I pulled her aside and told her that self-harm was never the answer, and if she needed to talk I was always there. Turns out she's just clumsy and trips a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 120
You deserved it 6 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Making assumptions is a stupid thing to do, but then, if she DID inflict self-harm, it's not like she'd admit it that easily.

Don't let this one awkward misunderstanding stop you in the future. Keep doing this and one day you may save a life. Btw you're a really good person for caring


Who cares? At least she's not. Just get over it, at least you care. Keep doing that for the future, you could help many people that way!

It's nice that you care, but please don't call people out on it (and don't make assumptions). I've had people make comments like that on my own scars and, even though I know they mean well, it makes me feel anxious and self-conscious, and it's irritating when people say "it isn't the answer". We know, but we feel we don't have a choice. So nice sentiment, but honestly, leave it alone.

As someone who has seen people she loved struggle with self-harm, I appreciate your concern. As someone always covered in bruises and other injuries, who is also really clumsy and bruises like a summer peach, don't make assumptions.

msmedieval 11

As someone who's incredibly clumsy & have the scars / broken bones to prove it, I'd be mortified if someone suggested self harm. I already feel bad enough that somehow I seem to have been born with two left feet & zero coordination. I hope your coworker didn't take it too personally, we can't help tripping on everything in our path.

middlenamefrank 8

Hmm. What do you suppose a person who does self-harm would say to someone who said what you said?

Dude! That was really kind of you. No FML there! You couldn't have known, and showing concern is NOT FML. That's really kind of you.

As someone with a self-harming past, don't do this. Don't do it unless we are really close and I've told you myself. It just makes me uncomfortable and I know some of my scars are obvious. But, its none of your business, even if you are trying to be helpful.

I'm also clumsy as hell ... and bruises are my daily routine ^^ It reminds me what happend to me when I was 16. A friend of mine was worry about de bruises in my back and won't believe me : "Yeaaaah, alright you fell again ... But if you want to talk, I'm here ! No one can hit you !" A couple of weeks later, during spring break another friend came to play badminton in the garden. My Mom called me from downstair ... I run, triped and fell in the stairs just in front of my friend who was "But ... You fell for real !" Since that day no one asked me anything anymore about my bruises ^^

The doorknobs in your house must have a permanent film of eyeball grease. :)

Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful.