By CathRoy - 03/11/2017 19:30 - Canada - Sherbrooke

Today, at 10AM, I fried my $2000 work laptop by dropping a glass of water on the keyboard. One hour later, the IT tech gave me a new laptop with my former hard disk and I felt very lucky. Then, at 2PM, I dropped another glass of water on my keyboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 434
You deserved it 7 392

Top comments

Let me spell it out for you ; always keep fluids away from your laptop.

They say doing the same thing over again despite knowing that it has negative results is the definition of insanity. I don't agree that it defines insanity, but it certainly defines stupidity...


Let me spell it out for you ; always keep fluids away from your laptop.

No kidding. Have been taught this since first grade computer lab.

Luck runs out. Besides, why the deuce would you tempt fate like that? It's almost like you don't WANT a working laptop.

They say doing the same thing over again despite knowing that it has negative results is the definition of insanity. I don't agree that it defines insanity, but it certainly defines stupidity...

I get the joke, and dont mean to be a buzzkill but it's expecting a different result from the same action. In this case it fits, but it doesn't necessarily have to be negative.

Not a drinking problem if he spills it.

Well if he spills it, then he can't drink it. Isn't that a problem?

Then it would be a problem drinking, not a drinking problem! (Guise, I get Richard was trying to Joke, but it was worded incorrectly for this specific fml. If they were, say, drinking water and kept choking on it, his phrasing would work.)

MallowMistress 13

Someone seems to have never seen Airplane.... Shirley that is a shame.

No more water by your laptop, young lady!

You need one of those spill proof cups they give babies. I probably would have fired you for costing the company $4000 in one day.

No, they’ll just make him pay for one or possibly both of the now ruined laptops.

It's Canada. If they get mad, OP just has to say sorry, and then they'll say sorry for getting mad. Canada life hax!

ahill0520 5

Here’s a tip maybe stick to baby sippy cups haha

As IT support, we really don't like people like you. Would you do the same thing at home with your TV? Thought not.