By Randiluck - 30/11/2012 01:00 - Canada

Today, I met up with a few old friends for some wine and munchies. The main topics of conversation were colonoscopies, lactose intolerance and specific symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. I'm sleeping over at one of their houses. Only 20 more hours to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 082
You deserved it 2 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

These are normal meal-time conversations at the Bastard household. We throw in pus, the stench of dead colon, and blood just for good measure.

Join the party! Talk about your vasectomy, your hemorrhoids, or any other gross medical issues in your life.


crazytwinsmom 25

That's what happens with Old friends. Speaking from experience.

I'm guessing that you think they mean hang out with old people don't you?

Join the party! Talk about your vasectomy, your hemorrhoids, or any other gross medical issues in your life.

I have a feeling OP might not have a vasectomy.

sugarshane007 20

9- Looks like we may have a psychic in our midst.

thank you for entirely missing the point of my comment, 9

Because who wouldn't want to hear about that...

So this is what happens when you get nurses drunk. Mystery solved.

crazytwinsmom 25

They seem to have some relation to the medical field (at least the way I'm looking at it) I just decided to make it simple and "blanket" their possible profession as 'nurse.' Problem?

nnnope 26

11 - good point, I didn't even notice til you pointed that out. All the more reason that this is a puzzling FML.

RvidxrKlvn 8
crazytwinsmom 25

Exactly, as we get older, those are the kinds of things we deal with and might discuss with friends. It's not just medical people and grannies in their 80s.

I am a nurse and thought the same as 11. In fact, unless they are nurses too at the table, I'm not allowed answer the question "how was your day" at the dinner table.

Take a deep breath and bring on the comments about bringing on the shitty situation jokes.

alliewillie 22

Actually, no one has said anything about them but YOU. The "Get ready for ______ comments" crap is just as bad (and prevalent and overused) as the memes themselves!

nnnope 26

I'm failing to see how this is an FML, unless you're being forced to stay over your friend's house at gunpoint. It can't be that hard to change the subject, can it...?

When you say old friends do you mean "old" friends? Those are topics my granny talks about. It's soooo pleasant to hear! :P

HBSgrad 5

Moderated this. I obviously voted "no."

Use the time to enhance your life with some knowledge you wouldn't have had before. And spend enjoyable time with your friends. You can choose your fate.

winkydog4056 16

Och, you forgot to mention dentures, enlarged prostates and Viagra.