By plasticfantastic - 25/04/2009 12:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I met this guy I really liked at a party. We got chatting and then hit the dance floor. We had a "moment" and I went in to kiss him. He shot forward with his tongue already out. His eyes were open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 714
You deserved it 9 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

siklee 0

How would you know this if your eyes weren't open too?

FBIWarning 0

That guys facial expression must of been priceless!


Haha both your eyes were open then.

doglover339 4

Wouldn't ur eyes have to be open to know if his were open???

1991j 4
ninja_darkstar 6

How would u know his eyes were opened if u didn't see them with your own opened eyes?

Doesn't that mean your eyes were open to?

droxursox319 8

That is a fantastic mental image

SexyMexi21 23