By plasticfantastic - 25/04/2009 12:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I met this guy I really liked at a party. We got chatting and then hit the dance floor. We had a "moment" and I went in to kiss him. He shot forward with his tongue already out. His eyes were open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 714
You deserved it 9 621

Same thing different taste

Top comments

siklee 0

How would you know this if your eyes weren't open too?

FBIWarning 0

That guys facial expression must of been priceless!


corbekaah 0

agree with #'s 1 , 8 , 10 , & 11. probably a bunch more. thats stupid ? not even a fml.

cdonnae 0

hahaha i love this. and guys, stop hating on the moderators-- i just think fml has transformed from actual horrible moments to more comedic, embarassing, and funny moments (with the horrible ones still included). lighten up :)

Huh? So....he was kissing you with his eyes open? I don't get it :(

I don't get it. Kisses involve tongue, and if you saw his eyes open, yours were open too. Maybe his eyes were open because he didn't want to miss your mouth? FYL for being retarded

LilleyWhite 0

not an FML....just find another guy...unless you can't. Then that would be an FML

HAHA #110 that's great! I agree not an FML. And to think mine didn't get chosen and the weird kisser guy story did. Not baggin on the moderators...just sayin. I think this is a lot my FML worthy Today, my husband informed me that he had jacked of five times. When I informed him that we hadn't had sex in three weeks he proceeds to have sex with me. It lasted less than a minute, his reason? He had jacked off to much and the real thing felt to good, FML. That is FML worthy cus he came 5 times in one day and I got nothing for three weeks. Just sayin' I might want to call the goofy kisser guy...