By itscalledaphonecontractretards - 09/08/2016 17:54 - United States

Today, I'm so broke, I resorted to breaking into my old apartment complex to do my laundry in the basement for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 575
You deserved it 1 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Whoever breached our security seemed to have intimate knowledge of our alarm systems. It's as though they were… BORN within the system! Yes, a rogue security protocol escaping like Agent Smith from The M—" "Uh, it could've been one of the previous tenants." "…I guess that sort of makes sense."

NephilimPie 15

You shouldn't be doing this, but I can totally understand how life takes us there sometimes


Why not just move back then by selling your current home? (Assuming you're not in a different apartment)

jcash52426 5

Call the police she's steal from her old building.

Dude did you even read the fml properly? If you didn't, then you might wanna read it again..

She's steel?! That's why it's so easy for her to break into apartment complexes. Lucky

NephilimPie 15

You shouldn't be doing this, but I can totally understand how life takes us there sometimes

Why not wash in the sink/bathtub? It takes a bit of time, but sitting in your old building while waiting for your laundry would take just as long. (Assuming you did not leave your clothes unattended there too).

Pretty sure they were trying to avoid getting a bigger bill.

I've been in this position before, it doesn't add much to your bill if you take the clothes you want to wear the next day into the shower with you then hang them to dry.

The laundrymat would cost more still. I also get my water and electricity inclusive so it does not cost me more. Not sure about OP.

"Whoever breached our security seemed to have intimate knowledge of our alarm systems. It's as though they were… BORN within the system! Yes, a rogue security protocol escaping like Agent Smith from The M—" "Uh, it could've been one of the previous tenants." "…I guess that sort of makes sense."

"You think the security is your ally? You merely adopted the protection. I was born in it, molded by it."

Now you have me thinking of a guy dressed in black coming down from the roof with a rope avoiding lasers while sticking clothes in the washer

Pinch your pennies when & where all adds up :)

Your life sucks but you deserve it. You're broke then get a job and learn how to manage your money. (Unless you're unable to get a job)

thanks for the life lesson. Idk ops situation, but I went to school for a degree and have a job working 40 hours a week and I still live pay check to pay check and that's still not enough. so don't just assume.

Haha yeah, thievery is genius! Hope no one siphons your gas, or would you think that's genius too?