By Satan - 15/03/2010 23:22 - United States

Today, I lost my phone. I tried to call it using my husband's phone, but couldn't figure out which of the three Kates in the contact list was me. Turns out, two are co-workers and one is his aunt. I was listed under Satan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 405
You deserved it 9 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, why did you have to go through the contact list? Don't you know your own cell number by heart?


Hahaha! Ouch! That speaks volumes about your relationship... or lack there of...

probably fake,don't u remember ya number by heart?

If the OP is satan does she serve hot sammiches?

I've never understood how people don't know. I've seen people that are genuinely surprised to find out they are universally loathed. Odd.

joints99 0

hilarious! and I agree with popatia, your ******* face is annoying! How did you fit it in that box?