By blondieforlife - 04/11/2014 03:38 - United States - Racine

Today, I left my desk to go to the bathroom. I arrived back at my desk to a large package of SlimQuick packets. Guess my coworkers think I need to lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 509
You deserved it 3 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

would have been more impressed if they left a treadmill at your desk

that is absolutely horrid op. your weight is no ones concern but yours.


If you're new to the FML community, I feel I should tell you that you can actually reply to individual comments, just like I have done here. HAVE FUN WITH ALL OF US HERE AT FML!

Maybe you need it maybe you do not. As for your coworkers they could have found one person to be civil about it. No couth left in the world. Even sadder my autocorrect can't even spell that correctly.

Damn, that was very rude and inconsiderate. Don't allow anyone else dictate your life and/or life choices. Sorry OP.

For a minute I thought it said Slim Jims and I was all like, "Wtf why are you bitchin" but then I reread it. sorry OP

I would report that sort of behaviour no one deserves to be left items like that!