By tubedout - 23/07/2009 19:16 - United States

Today, I learned that the four girls who I assumed were my girlfriends' good friends and whom she was always talking about were actually characters from the television show, "Sex and the City." My girlfriend has fictional friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 459
You deserved it 6 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to start talking about the hilarious things your friend Optimus Prime said the other day.

ChrisWasHere 0

Wow, you need to learn the difference between your and you're.


how this an fml? your life is fine, dude.

curryndricegirll 0

yeah, it's more like an fhl for not having real friends.

duh Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha are great (:

Things could be worse. She could be into Twilight, insisting you be more like this Edward fag if not acting like you were or trying to mold you into him without your consent.

ooberzombie 0

How could you not know her friends were fake if you were her boyfriend?

hazelwolfeyes 0

characters from house would have been so much better ;)

you must have thought they had unusual very dramatic lives

This is why we PAY ATTENTION to the things our significant others say. If we did, such confusion would not happen.