By Sheliton - 18/01/2012 01:39 - United States

Today, I learned how awful intertrigo smells. I spent a ton of money and years of my life to become a health care provider apparently to treat the yeast infection between an obese woman's fat folds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 403
You deserved it 5 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uncertain on how to vote here, on one hand that sucks, but then again it is a job you trained for. Actually, I made up my mind. You became a health care provider by choice, and by obviously knowing it wasn't all going to be sunshine, rainbows, and unicorn farts.

Charge an extra fee per fold for the emotional trauma


Llamacod 11

Well then, according to what you've just said, your life is now complete.

thesockbunny 5

What's wrong with you? If you became a doctor then your job is to help everyone, not just hot people. I'm disgusted with you.

A. OP never said she was a doctor, read before commenting, and don't assume B. Doctors aren't superhuman - regardless of our will and duty to help others, rolls of fat containing sweat and yeast aren't the most pleasant things to deal with, neither are urine, faeces, blood, vomit or vaginal discharge - it has nothing to so with the patients looks.

Except by her saying "treating...In an obese woman's fat folds" makes it about how the patient looks.

No it doesn't... she is stating that she Had to clean the infection between fat rolls. saying the patient is obese is implying lots of rolls. people need to stop be so sensitive. also I highly doubt ANY doctor would be happy about cleaning mould from between fat rolls when there are things that can't be solved with a simple shower.

bubo_fml 10

Don't knock it! Fat folds are a great substitute for other crevices & you'll avoid pregnancy & STDs!

34 - Get over yourself!!! I became a doctor to improve the state of my country and it's people, but I would have to be mother Theresa not to get irritated with a drunk-out-of-his-mind assault patient endangering me by flailing while I was trying to suture him, or vomiting or pissing on me, or a morbidly obese pregnant woman who takes hours to do a Caesar on, etc...I always try to treat every patient with equal care and respect, but getting irritated after an intellectually, physically, and emotionally draining 30+ hour shift is only human, and venting is very cathartic.

One reason why doctors get paid big bucks is to take care of stuff like that and not share the horrors with us commoners. We like not knowing these things.

Again, who says she is a doctor? She could be a nurse and be really crappily paid... The people in hospitals with the worst jobs - having to clean up blood, faces, vomit, urine, etc, i.e the cleaners, get paid buggerall, do they then have the right to vent???

But they don't have to act like an arrogant insensitive twat in a public forum either

Wow, the self-righteous hypocrite crowd is out today. Every job has its ups and downs, and when your downs include gag-inducing yeast infections in unlikely places, then damn right you're going to want to vent. Venting doesn't mean you never thought you'd have an unpleasant experience at your job, or you don't want to do your job in its entirety. It's just venting. Seriously, do you people think doctors are robots who don't have personal thoughts about the work they're doing as they do it? And if they do, they're somehow unfit for the job? Good grief.

I just searched what that was- my eyes burn.