Hey stinky!

By kristinjanie10 - 04/06/2021 04:00

Today, my doctor informed me that my severe body odor has no cure, no treatments, and is caused by… eating food. Not any specific food, just food. So either I can stop eating entirely, or I can smell like rotting fish in an outhouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 275
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Something doesn't smell right, you should get a 2nd opinion.

I think you need a second opinion... Because the explanation your doctor just gave you is no explanation at all. You may need to refer to a specialist and not a general doctor


Something doesn't smell right, you should get a 2nd opinion.

thatslifeiguess7 16

Did you make right guard turn left? Did secret tell on you? Did you make speed stick slow down and stop?

I think you need a second opinion... Because the explanation your doctor just gave you is no explanation at all. You may need to refer to a specialist and not a general doctor

Courtnee Alexandra 3

This is a real thing. I saw a show about it before. It's called Trimethylaminuria. There's really no cure. The lady on the show that had it said even after bathing several times a day and using the strongest deodorants and sprays, you can still smell it. It can be controlled by watching what you eat since certain foods make it worse. But it will never go completely away, unfortunately.

Change your diet and stop complaining. You are what you eat.

dazedfaze 1

I saw a video about a girl with the same issue. her family said that Lume deodorant helped disguise the smell and that they couldn't smell her, I thinkbuts worth a shot

Maybe try altering your diet and seeing if it's a certain food you're eating that's causing the BO?

I actually know someone with this same condition. It's gotta suck. The person I know who has it is the sweetest, nicest person I know too. Which just makes me feel even more bad for them.