By JulietMarie - 10/10/2014 19:12 - United States - Baldwinsville

Today, I got my first compliment in over a year. It was from my gynecologist, saying I have a beautiful cervix. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 079
You deserved it 3 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's an accomplishment I'd say considering it's coming from a doctor who does this all the time.

You have a wonderful sense of humour, and Juliet is a beautiful name


You have a wonderful sense of humour, and Juliet is a beautiful name

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That's an accomplishment I'd say considering it's coming from a doctor who does this all the time.

RussRuss 7

I'm not sure I quite agree with you #4 agreeing with #2 but that's your opinion and you can agree with whoever you want.

#4, #29, you know there is a button for if you agree/disagree with #2

orbit 22

I agree #40 there is a button for that and they should be using it for it's intended purpose.

#45 I agree with #40 but not with you agreeing with him but it's your opinion and you can agree or disagree with whoever you want.

It's something. At least he didn't say you had an infection or Std.

star14394 20

It's a start...better than nothing I guess

aruam365 24

They do actually sometimes, when I've seen it it's been for the greater good of the patient, though.

*some do* sorry for my mistake. Unleash the grammar nazis

Did they look you in the eye when they said it ? I could see how that may be awkward .

did you hug him all teary-eyed and thank him sincerely? :3