By leeseyxoxo - 27/03/2011 06:10 - United States

Today, I learned, 15 years later, that my puppy from when I was 4, was not taken by Santa because he was in need of a reindeer. My parents took him to the shelter because they thought he was ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 150
You deserved it 5 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PSQ91 6

And you still believed that Santa story until today?

didn't you work out a puppy can't be a reindeer ....


physicist48 0

15 years later and you still assumed Santa?

hewro_failure 11

Wow screw your parents like maybe I think they are too ugly and need to be euthanized

Well send your parents to a home when they are old because THEY are ugly

So youre 19 and still thought that story was true...?

gators1995 30

Thats horrible on their part :-/

Kill them.With poison.Because they are ugly...on the inside...I'm not sure about the outside...

Your parents are the worst kind of people.

Your parents are sick, cruel people. Never let them own a pet.