By leeseyxoxo - 27/03/2011 06:10 - United States

Today, I learned, 15 years later, that my puppy from when I was 4, was not taken by Santa because he was in need of a reindeer. My parents took him to the shelter because they thought he was ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 150
You deserved it 5 193

Same thing different taste

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PSQ91 6

And you still believed that Santa story until today?

didn't you work out a puppy can't be a reindeer ....


someone should euthanize them for being fu*king assholes.

wow your parents are friggen cruel that 'ugly' dog could have been or was put to sleep by the shelter all because of their ridiculous wims

I had something similar happen to me recently, OP. I had always thought my dog died at the kennel we took him to a few months before I turned six, when we went to go visit some family in another state. I found out on my twenty-seventh birthday that they simply had him put out of his misery a few days before we had left for that vacation. The dog was old, and according to Mom I realized even then that he was in a lot of I'd like to think I could have handled the truth, but...oh well.

Your parents are dipshits. my condolences.

Meh. Santa doesn't like reindeer that scare him.

funnyfiona 0

I'm really sorry that you found out. :( too bad that they gave it away. all dogs are wonderful no matter what they look like.

LOL YDI for believing in Santa even though you're 19

When you out them in a home tell them your taking them to Santa.