By Kendal - 23/08/2011 18:18 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By steven - 24/01/2013 05:16 - United States - Orinda
By non-baker - 18/03/2015 02:12 - Australia - Melbourne
By lifesabitch2016 - 24/05/2014 06:23 - United States - Moses Lake
By sarah4241 - 26/07/2015 21:04 - United Kingdom - Belfast
By shinee - 15/08/2010 16:05 - Singapore
Kitchen nightmare
By Shortcake - 05/07/2012 01:48 - Canada - Pitt Meadows
By zuzu - 01/05/2019 14:00
Energy saving
By I can't win - 19/07/2024 23:00 - United States
By IwishIwashigh - 01/03/2017 14:00
By burned - 24/05/2009 13:44 - United States
Top comments
IIIIIIII knooooow.
I imagined it in that guy's voice. Haha.
At last! I found the FML we've all been waiting for! You aren't battling cancer, your possessions are still intact, and your partner was not being unfaithful. You forgot to turn the oven on when you were making cookies. To that, good person, I salute you. Thank you for your bravery.
BTW - totally sarcasm. To all you slow sarcasm people, it was sarcasm.
And not one mention of shit!
This is one of those moments where you think, "am I getting old already?"
I was gonna say blond moment, but that was beyond blond. Like you must have been more baked than the dang cookies.
I don't see a big deal here.
OP's a noobcake, no two ways about it
Sorry 20
wow damn **** your life it really sucks...
Never bake when you're baked.
62 Hence she was MORE BAKED --_____--
And I thought this post was going to suck. The responses rescued it!
Is OP a blonde??
160-Your mom baked you inside her?
Uh #15, doesn't blonde have an e in it? That's kinda like when people try calling you dumb & they spell it without the b :|
203, it can be spelled both ways. Don't get smart with me. I may be 13 but I'm not stupid. Thanks 204. :). -_- grammar nazis. I killed your little Hitler.
204 - I'm pretty sure it's blond for males and blonde for females. Not 100% sure though.
And thats the way the cookie crumbles.
236 is right, but blond can also mean some type of timber colour or something like that.
life is a bitch when you're high...
Thats why I keep my oven on all the time.....
That actually made me laugh. :)
Goddamn people wasting comments. Hey look, I just did it too. It's pretty empty in here. HELLO! ...HEllo ...hello. Man, this place is huge. There must be a lot of wasted comments here.
Quit smoking heroin 106. Not good for you.
Oh shit. CryMoreFMLs told me to quit being stupid as hell. My feelings...
There's a difference between calling you stupid and a heroin addict. I called you the latter.
But heroin addicts are stupid as hell for being heroin addicts.
You can, but it's just not as common as injecting heroin.
Well yeah, sure, if you want to do it the easy way. Bear Grylls showed me how to bake cookies just using the oven light and raccoon piss.
It even says it on the instructions
It even says it on the pack.
maybe OP was destined to eat it as cookie dough
50 I want cookie dough now. Also, fix your damn profile. I want to stalk your autobiography.
That's okay. We all have our moments of stupidity.
Thats more than a moment of stupidity /:
Speak for yourself. I live in stupidity, but have a few moments of brilliance.
Maybe, as well as our 15 minutes of fame, we also get 15 minutes of pure stupidity!!!! :O
Yeah see that's why you turn the oven on first! It kinda helps!
I get turned on by ovens.
....he wasn't making the cookies with her he looked at the oven and immediately realized it's off or atleast that makes more sense
This would have been a double FML if it had been a gas oven turned on for 15 minutes.... and no flame.
That's not very hot.
Yeah, that would help.
Oh noo!