By leahkasscar - 06/12/2017 00:00 - United States

Today, I kissed my 3.5 GPA goodbye because my English teacher was too caught up planning her parrot's birthday party to put in the credit I deserve for three different essays I completed for her class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 286
You deserved it 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PhantomCrevan 8

If you can prove you submitted them to the principal, they are obligated to correct it. Which/ since it sounds like she finished grading them but didn't input the grade itself into the system- shouldn't be a problem. See if it happened with any of your other class mates, and if so, go as a group to the principal. Worst case scenario is that the principal or dean is a scumbag and refuses to change the grades and you all can then go to the news- or whoever enforces school integrity in your state- with the story. Best case scenario, the principal does their job and makes sure the grades get corrected, and also forces the bird-brain to fly the coop for having her priorities so flocked up and being so bird-shit crazy in general.

Did she tell you that was her reason for neglecting your extra credit and her job or are you assuming? Either way, bring this incident to the principal or a counselor because you're most likely not the only person she has done this to. Hope everything turns out okay.


PhantomCrevan 8

If you can prove you submitted them to the principal, they are obligated to correct it. Which/ since it sounds like she finished grading them but didn't input the grade itself into the system- shouldn't be a problem. See if it happened with any of your other class mates, and if so, go as a group to the principal. Worst case scenario is that the principal or dean is a scumbag and refuses to change the grades and you all can then go to the news- or whoever enforces school integrity in your state- with the story. Best case scenario, the principal does their job and makes sure the grades get corrected, and also forces the bird-brain to fly the coop for having her priorities so flocked up and being so bird-shit crazy in general.

If only you had written your essays about great parrot birthday parties throughout history or great ones in the future! Know your audience!

Did she tell you that was her reason for neglecting your extra credit and her job or are you assuming? Either way, bring this incident to the principal or a counselor because you're most likely not the only person she has done this to. Hope everything turns out okay.

Of course I don’t know the grading policy at your school, however I do know that not everything must be graded. Some work is for you to practice and develop. That is important too. Most teachers I know say that everything is for a grade. Otherwise students won’t do it and won’t improve their skills, which they need to do if they want to be able to produce quality work. The point of school is to develop your skills. That’s is what’s more important in the long run than a letter grade. Did you develop yours skills? If so, you won!

That would be well and good if colleges had a way to consider 'improved skills'. A lowered GPA can have a big impact on the schools and programs the OP is accepted to. These days you have to have a sheet of paper (Diploma and transcript) showing your worth, you can't get anywhere by claiming you've improved.

onceuponatime456 16
neuronerd 28

I feel there's some missing information here. If it were as straightforward as it seems, then the whole class would be having this issue, and I'm sure it would be a red flag to administrators if an entire class failed. Did you turn in the assignments late for partial credit or something, and she never got around to grading them an updating your grade?

neuronerd 28

I feel there's some missing information here. If it were as straightforward as it seems, then the whole class would be having this issue, and I'm sure it would be a red flag to administrators if an entire class failed. Did you turn in the assignments late for partial credit or something, and she never got around to grading them an updating your grade?

"Polly wanna cake made of human tears and bad grades!! Squak!"

I guess you could say...*puts on sunglasses*...the teacher was giving the bird.

I'm not buying this. I think we're not getting all the facts. why are only you having this issue? and if it's your whole class then go to Dean or principal.