Saturday Night Fever-ish

By lonely - 15/09/2019 04:05 - Canada - Granby

Today, I invited a bunch of friends over to hang out and watch a movie. It's been two hours since everyone was supposed to turn up, and no one has showed. Thanks, friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 853
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

2shack 7

I vote party at your house and the whole internet is invited.


2shack 7

I vote party at your house and the whole internet is invited.

Was it a personal invite and did they say they'd be over? Or was it a post on facebook with a lot of likes?

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

next time just invite your grandma

Did they formally acknowledge the invitation and say they were coming? I once invited a bunch of people from work to a July 4 cookout at my house by way of printed invites left on their desks. Not a single person showed up. On the other hand, a good friend emailed out invitations to my wedding reception to our ballroom dance community. We had no idea who would be coming, and the place was packed. My takeaway from this is people will show up if there's free champagne and dancing.

**** 'em. Grab some snacks, and beer (or soda, if you're under 21), and enjoy the movie alone. They'd have probably talked over it, anyway.