By biscuit - 07/01/2011 05:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to walk three miles home from work. Both my parents were at home. The reason they wouldn't collect me is apparently because I've "gotten so fat, your grandma cried after she saw you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 433
You deserved it 25 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so... walking never hurt anyone and by the sounds of things you need the exercise

well, you do need exercise but i dont think what they did is the best solution


well, you do need exercise but i dont think what they did is the best solution

iSitt 0

ops grandma cried because she has seen what being fat does to the health over the decades.

No kidding. FYL for thinking 3 miles is a terrible distance.

I work about 20 minutes away from where I live in a cafe. Believe me after a 7 hour shift of running around like crazy those 20 minutes absolutely kill me...

kaoss54 3

so... walking never hurt anyone and by the sounds of things you need the exercise

Here come the comments insulting OP under the assumption that she is obese. *sigh*

UNDER the assumption! UNDER! Mods, darlings, could you be sweethearts and please fix this for me? I missed it until the last second.

KristinaKreme 0

she's probably not obese, just lazy. either way she won't find much sympathy.

Person000 0

INSULTS UNDER THE ASSUMPTION SHE'S FAT? The grandma ******* cried she's so fat. I don't think we are just assuming. stop being so ******* over sensitive about obesity. It's the worst health related problem in the united states. it's predicted 90% of us will be overweight by 2050. ITS TIME WE GET TOUGH ON THIS PROBLEM, SORRY IF THAT MEANS OFFENDING SOME PEOPLE.

This FML was posted by someone in the UK.

ChefGuy 0

lol probably never thought of that. always had the parents drive her everywhere

Lichinamo 33

Some places don't have buses or any other way of public transportation. My town doesn't.

Don't be rude. Some people are insecure. I'll be she's not even fat and her parents are just rude.

i fat, but I eat wut I want cuz ma parentz luvz me

except..... ah never mind, I'm sure you've heard it all before

good attitude.... wuteva I do what i want!! ~ Eric cartman

i has aids but I shar needlz cuz i do watevr I want Nice mentality.

You guys fail; they're making a South Park reference.