By biscuit - 07/01/2011 05:46 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to walk three miles home from work. Both my parents were at home. The reason they wouldn't collect me is apparently because I've "gotten so fat, your grandma cried after she saw you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 426
You deserved it 25 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so... walking never hurt anyone and by the sounds of things you need the exercise

well, you do need exercise but i dont think what they did is the best solution


Jadwee96 8

Just because her grandmother says she is fat does not necessarily mean she is fat. There is also a difference between 50 pounds overweight and 5 pounds overweight, it just depends which category OP falls under. If they are significantly overweight due to laziness, then I would click YDI. But if they were only a few pounds overweight due to genetics or low metabolism, I would probably click FYL.

Fishfanatic 7

Sorry OP but I cannot sympathise at all. I walk and often cycle (when I feel up to it ) to and from work every day .It's 5 miles from my house and the route is far from flat . That trip barely gets me out of breath anymore. I also go to the gym afterwards for an hour, and yes, I also walk to and from there which is 2 miles from my house each way . 3 miles is a piece of piss to walk. I can do that in half an hour. If you are overweight then I would advise you to continue walking that 3 miles from now on. You should also start attending some sort of aerobics class if nothing else - I do appreciate the gym can be a daunting place for those not used to it , and classes are more fun than you might realise. They help to keep you motivated, and you can't talk yourself out of doing them once the music starts because if you walk out, you look like a complete twat. Do not join weight watchers or slimming world. They are a rip off. You are simply paying a fiver for someone to weigh you and tell you the same basic shit each week. Redcue your intake of bread and pasta, increase your intake of chicken or fish ( or quorn if vegetarian ) **** bananas off and cut any junk food right back to a once a week treat (something reasonable not a massive takeaway) . Also, I have lost 4 stone in weight and have 3 stone more to lose. @110 - It is a myth that overweight people have a slow metabolism, the heavier you are the *faster* your metabolism is. It needs to be faster to power the larger heavier body around all day. Metabolic problems are not nearly as widespread as you may think. Most people use "low metabolism" as an excuse for their poor diet and reduced exercise.

red_syn 1

I pretty much agree with your post. I too have lost a net 70 lbs, still need to drop another 40 to 60 to be at a healthy weight. In a bit of a lull/lazy stage right now, but I will lose it eventually. While the situation may suck for the OP, 3 miles isn't terrible. Hopefully they can find some of the good in these posts and not only the hateful jokes & comments. Besides, he/she is the one who decided to open this upto social commentary.

amh721 0

Three miles isn't a lot to walk. A little exercise wouldn't kill you, thin or fat. It's just what you need for a healthy lifestyle. If you're this lazy, no wonder you're a fatso. Quit complaining and take the hint. At least your parents had a good reason, not just because they're evil.

Me_iz_a_Bboy 0

I always had to walk 2.7 miles home after football practices or games.

3 miles, really? did you pass out from the extraordinary amount of exercise? if you are overweight, then unless you were injured or running late, i completely agree with your parents in encouraging you to exercise. even if you aren't overweight, or not significantly so, exercise is good for you. and in any case, 3 miles is nothing, i walk 6 miles from work most days, and it hasn't killed me.

3 miles is a 40 minute at the most, don't be so lazy.

moomoomeow2 7

Tell your parents that you take after their fat asses.

FYLDeep 25

I'm probably the skinniest guy I know.

justingja 0

shut the f/ck up I have to walk 7 miles every damn day in 28 degrees just so I can go to school. oh and I am in shape.