By Alex - 13/05/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, I had to run a mile in gym class for fitness training. If it takes longer than 10 minutes to run the stretch, you have to re-take it. My time was 10:02. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 060
You deserved it 20 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it took you 10 min to run a mile? that's a long time

iAmScrubs 19

At least you weren't 10 minutes and 1 millisecond.


PunxsatownyPhil 0

YDI. In my freshman year, I ran a 10:00 mile and needed a 9:30. This spring in my junior year I ran an 8:30. Get faster!

#117- maybe that's the point? not like your picture's any less slutty.

your really ******* slow. it should take no more than 7 min

lol. calling somebody slow coming from somebody who still doesn't know the difference between your and you're

lol it was my mistake... I'm in the army, I'm not expected to spell correctly. But I may I mention that I'm smart enough to the extent that the army trusts me as a helicopter pilot? hmm Im iz stewpid

^um so is yours. and I'm not trying to be slutty. I'm just suggesting her to change it. doesn't mean I need to be attacked or does she need to listen to be and change it.

and at least you can't look down my shirt.

who the **** takes 10 min to run a mile?

AirForce48 2

That sucks but it's only a mile

don't whine. it'll do u some good. wow ONE mile in TEN minutes!!! my god...