By Robbins - 31/08/2009 02:51 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to meet with my landlord to organise when he was coming to look at my flat and decide whether I get my deposit back. In the time it took to see him, my friend drank a bottle of vodka and vomited all over my room and knocked the window through. My landlord is coming in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 709
You deserved it 5 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

reklamfox 0

Why are you friends with someone so horrible? Anyone who would do something so selfish and stupid is not a friend, they are just a jerk. It sucks that is happened to you, but maybe you should get different friends.

sublime93 0

I'm sorry fender, but you're 'stories' are not funny nor creative.


may i say that FIRST impressions are everything?

I see what you did there Casualt1234 ;D

Or FML could just move my comment to a totally random spot... WTF?

This FML totally sounds like the time I went to the bathroom of Carl's Junior. It was a Monday afternoon and we were driving on the freeway. I needed to use the restroom so I asked my mother to stop anywhere so I can defecate in the most comfortable way. Than I don't know if it was a gift from god or what, but there was a Carl's Junior in front of us. So my mom parked the car and I went to the bathroom :)

sublime93 0

I'm sorry fender, but you're 'stories' are not funny nor creative.

the_stereotype 0

Damn. You could get your roommate to clean that up. FYL.

Tell your friend to clean that shit up and pay for the window or w/e. Sucks man. FYL.

ydi because you are on this site and not cleaning up.

FMLable 0

wave byebye to that spare cash.

reklamfox 0

Why are you friends with someone so horrible? Anyone who would do something so selfish and stupid is not a friend, they are just a jerk. It sucks that is happened to you, but maybe you should get different friends.

36: Time it takes to post an FML: less than a minute. It doesn't really make a difference. Now, go ahead and call me a *****/dick if it satisfies your little head.

MrBoredomioo 18

You weren't going to get the security deposit back anyway. That is a myth.


that sucks, fyl. beat your friend up.

YDI For letting your friend get drunk at your apartment!

Agreed; why would you let your friend be there alone?