By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 16:55 - United Kingdom

Today, while celebrating at my friend's birthday party, I fell down a flight of stairs, got into a fight with my flatmate, and ruined my friend's outfit after drinking too much. I'm expecting I'll need to find a new place to live tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 677
You deserved it 32 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spiderman0606 0

Why are you complaining about this? It's not like any of this was out of your control. You brought it upon yourself for drinking too much. You couldve not ruined your friends birthday by stopping the fight and leaving it for another time.


spiderman0606 0

Why are you complaining about this? It's not like any of this was out of your control. You brought it upon yourself for drinking too much. You couldve not ruined your friends birthday by stopping the fight and leaving it for another time.

Monikabug 9

Could not agree with #1 more. In fact, as a courtesy to your flatmate, you should move out without them asking you too.

Monikabug 9

Before anyone else asks: A flatmate = A roommate. glad I could clear that up. :)

Well you should stop complaining on here and start looking now shouldn't you?

YDI, this is why i don't drink, smoke trees.

I couldn't agree more with #1. You deserve all of it for getting shit-faced and ruining a party. Honestly, people like you, who ruin everything when they're near alcohol, need to stop drinking. Try knitting fluffy sweaters. しんで しまえ。

CloudN9N3 0

this is fake, if you were that drunk no way could you have written this fml on the same day

Kockdiesel 0

YDI for being a terrible drunk. practice makes perfect.

Bugatti_Veyron 1

ydi for having internal organs.

Ajjas013 6

Don't you have some of those Bugatti? Or are they just car parts?

Ajjas013 6

He does have one. Except it's in a frame. On his wall. Next to his bed. In his mom's basement.

Bugatti_Veyron 1

ydi for looking like a freak in your profile pic!

@12- no. he doesn't wish he had a bugatti veyron, he IS a bugatti veyron (clearly shown in his profile pic).

Bugatti_Veyron 1

@20 ydi for letting the man get you down!

WhatANoob 0

I thought you guys were replying to the internal organs. so I thought penis. I'm confused

bezach 0

i don't got any I have got milk?

I bet it was one hell of a party though.

Sorry, but you deserve it. Not the falling down the stairs part.. That part sucks. But drinking so much that you ruined your friend's outfit and the fight.. Those are both your fault.

You fail, learn to hold your liquor or you could wake up in a cell next time

Don't drink if you can't handle the liquor. YDI!

SerenaChaos805 0

A person that shares the flat you live in, are you serious?

Monikabug 9

A flat is like an apartment. A flatmate = A roommate.

So much for your preemptive definition, Monika. Keep up the good work! (But don't people even skim through the comments first?)

Someone who ***** children and dead people AKA you. Now STFU and GTFO my /b/.

cryssycakesx3 22

judging by the stupid face, she is serious...