By Evaki1 - 13/06/2011 14:24 - Greece

Today, I had to explain to my little brother that my tampons weren't ear plugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 673
You deserved it 4 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rebekahah 7

maybe he just discovered the best earplugs in the world, we may never know because no one else would stick tampons in their ears...

futtbuck101 1

At least he wasn't using them as butt plugs


poor kid just doesn't want to hear you talk

Well, he would have to learn eventially :P and young kids dont rlly care when it comes to those convos haha

Weird....I had to explain to my little cusion that my ear plugs weren't tampons.

saralove420 0

they're for nose bleeds, get it right !

ALCM_slkg 0

It was Final Destination 3 wasn't it? Damn those crazy movie people, though you do have to admit it's impressive how they wreak havoc with mild humour.

I hope you didn't use his "ear plugs" afterwards!

I remember when I was 9, I used to think all girls had to go to the doctor sometime in their life and get a needle stuck in their privates. I was a early bloomer and had my period at 10, when my mom told me I had my period I got really worried and weirded out cause I didn't yet understand what a period was..

And I thought pads were diapers for teenagers/women. Lol!

My kitten thinks they are toys. She actually knocks the box on the floor & pulls them out.