Follow the lifescript or else

By IZK - 23/09/2021 14:00

Today, I once again had to explain that my husband's vasectomy was because we really don't want children, and that, "but you can always adopt or try to undo the vasectomy" isn't an appropriate answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 318
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I got my vasectomy around 20 years ago, in my early 30s, right after I got married. My family has never reacted poorly, but I've been surprised by how much it's prevented my wife and I from making friends in certain social groups. Like, twice we've moved to a nice neighborhood with sidewalks and manicured lawns, met neighbors who initially seemed friendly, and then been left out of all social activities and given a polite cold shoulder. We don't have that problem in other contexts, and based on little clues we've collected over the years, it really seems like our decision to not have children makes us social pariahs in our neighborhood. It's strange.

49_Donuts 12

Besides your spouse, NO ONE ever needs to know you had a vasectomy. For the super pests, I just quietly say ‘ this is really personal, but I can’t have kids’ and ask to not discuss it anymore.


To whom are you explaining? I hope you're not discussing your husband's vasectomy on the bus or in the grocery store check-out line.

With very high probability, to friends and family. Retarded friends and family, stuck in the mid-19th century apparently.

Yeah, I got my vasectomy around 20 years ago, in my early 30s, right after I got married. My family has never reacted poorly, but I've been surprised by how much it's prevented my wife and I from making friends in certain social groups. Like, twice we've moved to a nice neighborhood with sidewalks and manicured lawns, met neighbors who initially seemed friendly, and then been left out of all social activities and given a polite cold shoulder. We don't have that problem in other contexts, and based on little clues we've collected over the years, it really seems like our decision to not have children makes us social pariahs in our neighborhood. It's strange.

My ex-wife and I had made the same decision. When discussing it with a coworker, another one overheard and said, "What's the point of your life, then?". This person was dead serious.

49_Donuts 12

Besides your spouse, NO ONE ever needs to know you had a vasectomy. For the super pests, I just quietly say ‘ this is really personal, but I can’t have kids’ and ask to not discuss it anymore.

Warp1978 15

I got yelled at for getting a vasectomy on the sly, I have three kids and didn't want anymore. The person doing the yelling... My sister who cat sat for us while we were out of town on holiday. She took a call from my GP following up with my fertility results. She's the only one bothered by this.

SalamanderSlick 1

lie and say you're infertile due to ovarian cancer so that they feel like complete assholes for even bringing up the subject.

kilobravo 12

That’s exactly what my partner would say to those people and it worked like a charm. More for our entertainment to see their heads explode <<poof>>

kilobravo 12

That’s exactly what my partner would say to those people and it worked like a charm. More for our entertainment to see their heads explode.

diraven 15

Start carrying around his testicles in a jar

phybreawptic 13