
By GabrielleB - 12/07/2023 06:00

Today, I confronted my 32 year-old boyfriend about texting his 17 year-old female coworker. He says they only talk about “work related things and video games” and not about “sex or anything.” What work related things could they be talking about all day and all night long? They work at Taco Bell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 031
You deserved it 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it best to attain more concrete information on whether or not your boyfriend is actually cheating. That being said: the relationship, whether sexual or not, is kinda creepy. She's half his age. I understand that they work together but he needs friends his own age. If he is involved with her in a sexual manner, report his ephebophile-arse to the authorities immediately.

“And not sex related things”. I think that’s all you need to know to say bye bye. You deserve loyalty.


I think it best to attain more concrete information on whether or not your boyfriend is actually cheating. That being said: the relationship, whether sexual or not, is kinda creepy. She's half his age. I understand that they work together but he needs friends his own age. If he is involved with her in a sexual manner, report his ephebophile-arse to the authorities immediately.

I'm not sure what's more annoying about this comment. The ageism of having friends the same age (Haven't heard that one since I was 6)/certain age difference when dating or the patronising or thinking you know better than her what is good for her life

“And not sex related things”. I think that’s all you need to know to say bye bye. You deserve loyalty.

What's not to talk about?!?!? When is the Bell Beefer coming back and why did "they" discontinue the Gordita? You could probably have a successful podcast discussing Taco Bell's menu strategy.

“And not sex related things”. I think that’s all you need to know to say bye bye. You deserve loyalty.

talking about sex or not, it's extremely inappropriate with a 17 year old

He's a cheater and a pedophile. Leave him now or the cops will drag you down with him.

32 year olds creeping on teenage girls is disgusting. Drop the pervy old man.

Why creeping? if she talks to him almost the whole day she seems to be into it as much as he is.

He is old enough to be her father. Her brain is not even close to fully formed while he is, she's a minor and he could be conditioning/grooming her. It's creepy.

Would you still have an issue with it if it was a male 17 year old coworker?

You said it: they talked about video games. And that can last a day and a night.

Okay I'm not usually one to say this but...she's 17. Go search his phone. If there's sex stuff, CALL THE DAMN COPS. You're probably the only one who can protect this kid, and she deserves better.