By Lauren - 20/08/2012 03:53 - United States - New Market

Today, I had to bail on yet another date with an awesome guy. Every time I make a date, my hateful mother slips laxatives into my food so I'm glued to the shitter until 2am. This is the fourth time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 676
You deserved it 4 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

You haven't caught on yet? Just don't eat the food.


Eye drops in her water... Like a good squeeze. ;)

ChicaChica5683 0

Fooled u once shame on her. Fooled u twice shame on you.

Here's an idea: Make your own damn food.

Well I'm a little torn between the fyl and the ydi button here. The first and second times...maaaybe even the third times, I would have totally said fyl op. But if you KNOW your mother is slipping laxatives into your food before a date, then don't continue eating food with that woman around on date days. There's an old saying that applies here called "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Learn from this and start moving forward with the knowledge to do something about it the next time you get a date. Be smart about your hateful mother.

youaint 2

For real! If you fell for that four times in a row then it's basically your fault at this point!

Next time u have a date , make ur own food or go eat outside ;)

She just wants to be with you, forever and ever, and ever

Don't tell her you have a date. Say you are going to hang out with your friends

jayhawkchik 4

Don't eat or drink non per packaged foods on the day of.