By Anonymous - 01/11/2012 05:08 - United States - Surprise

Today, I had surgery on my arm. My mom has recently had the same surgery, and my dad is having his first rib removed and won't be able to move his arm. My family combined now has three functioning arms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 788
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Well at least the surgeries went alright.


Ask god for another arm and it will be given to you.

raraisbang 12

Pretty sure it doesn't work that way. But hey, I could be wrong.....

It's a Bible verse reference: "Ask and ye shall receive." But I wonder, if OP was created in God's image, but then God gives OP another arm, is OP no longer in God's image? O.o

Well, I thought the comment was funny. Pretty sure she wasn't being serious, 30.

35 - OP didn't state that his arm was amputated. So he has his arm still according to god's image but not functioning. Btw, nice pic of Daryl.

The way you said "another arm" made it sound like it was amputated.

Thanks. :) And I thought you meant God would give him a third arm if he asked, hence my question.

Phil 4:13 is 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". "Ask and you shall receive..." is in Luke.

Together, you're 3/8 of an octopus. :)

noisebox 1

Who would have thought there would be a household with 3 one armed bandits...

Must suck being 50 and still living at home

KiddNYC1O 20

Wait, what? Enlighten me as to how you came up with that.

The OP has the arm... and the surgery... I don't know.

Pretty sure Ammon has more than a few arms to lend. (If anyone gets it without Google, I'd be mildly surprised.)

I got it without google it's cause he severed peoples arms

CurlyGurlF 6

This FML didn't seem all the complicated, did it?

geod69 8

That's better than one functioning arm between three people because now you don't have to wipe each others butt

imperfections55 1

Look on the brightside OP, it only takes one arm to **********! :)