Extreme shot reaction

By Exhausted - 14/06/2021 05:31 - India - Chennai

Today, a day after my mom and I got the vaccine, we've been doing everything around the house with one hand each through the pain. My dad hasn't helped out at all despite my requests, and sees nothing wrong with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 839
You deserved it 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not the point. Dad SHOULD be helping out a little.

Marcella1016 31

Don’t avoid using the sore arm. The more you use it, the better. I know it sounds counterintuitive but it’s true. My arm hurt sooooooooo ******* bad after the first shot, and I laid in bed most of the day and just sitting up was excruciating agony. Finally I forced myself to get up and do things and it helped a lot. Dishes and shit. Driving. Whatever anything. It all helped. I couldn’t raise my arm above my head, but doing all the motions I could do really helped. Something about working the muscle to stretch out the soreness idk. But it’s what they (the CDC etc) recommend - keep it active. And I can tell you anecdotally that it definitely does make a difference. Good luck to you both.


buddhist_babe88 5

it's not that bad, it just feels like you've been punched in the arm. move it around and work the muscle. it goes away in a couple days

That's not the point. Dad SHOULD be helping out a little.

The first one’s not that bad, if it’s Moderna. The second one kicks your butt.

buddhist_babe88 5

I got the Pfizer shot, the day I got it was fine, the next day felt like I had been punched or slammed it really hard on the door frame, and the second day it felt like the healing stages. was gone by third day

xxlk4xx 6

my sister inlaw couldn't lift up her baby with her arm a few days after she got it

Suaria 38

It has different side effects for every person. I had a fever and body aches for both shots. My second one I also had extreme fatigue. I definitely couldn't do anything except sleep on my second one.

randybryant799 20

It won't last long. You'll be fine.

Marcella1016 31

Don’t avoid using the sore arm. The more you use it, the better. I know it sounds counterintuitive but it’s true. My arm hurt sooooooooo ******* bad after the first shot, and I laid in bed most of the day and just sitting up was excruciating agony. Finally I forced myself to get up and do things and it helped a lot. Dishes and shit. Driving. Whatever anything. It all helped. I couldn’t raise my arm above my head, but doing all the motions I could do really helped. Something about working the muscle to stretch out the soreness idk. But it’s what they (the CDC etc) recommend - keep it active. And I can tell you anecdotally that it definitely does make a difference. Good luck to you both.