By YouDontSay - 10/05/2015 15:35 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I had sex with a guy I've liked for ages. We were lying in his bed afterwards, and he mumbled the word "happy". I thought it was really sweet, until he repeated himself. "My girlfriend probably won't be too happy about this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 525
You deserved it 6 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

imkool136 22

Guys, she could've had a distance crush thing goin on and just didn't know he was in a relationship.


Papersock 20

Stop being such assholes in the comments! My current boyfriend had no idea I broke up with my ex before I kissed him. He is one of my best friends and he knows me better than anyone else. I also broke up with my ex 6 months before I kissed him. It's not always easy to know if someone is in a relationship or not!

Stop expecting les from the internets.

So I should just let people be stupid, judgemental assholes? Why do I even bother commenting on anything when I already know that 90% of all the people who ends up reading it has an IQ under 50 -.-

Uh....what I understood from that comment was that your current boyfriend kissed you while, as far as he knew, you were in a relationship with someone else. Which, to most people, would put him right in the "asshole" category that this guy is now in. So I'm really not sure how that post was supposed to help anything. Much less demonstrate to anyone that your IQ is any higher than anyone else's...

88# Was "I kissed him" that hard to understand? And he already knew I liked him, he's just slow. And it's as relevant as you can get it. He didn't know I was single until I kissed him, just as OP didn't know he had a girlfriend until after they had sex. And you still have problems understanding how I find a lot of the people in the comments stupid?

You know it's entirely possibly she's known and liked him for ages but he never mentioned he had a girlfriend. Just because you know someone and like them doesn't mean you have a clear understanding of every aspect of their lives. There are people out there who are married and find out their partner has a whole second family going on. If someone wants to hide something bad enough they can.

I know someone whose wife had another man that worked a different shift live in their house thinking they were in a relationship as well. They even worked at the same place and didn't find out immediately. If people don't want to be faithful, they can be really good at hiding it.

DeltaDragonxx 20

To everyone saying YDI, OP could be like me and not keep up with relationship status. It's to much bloody work, even if you like them. I then to avoid the people I like anyway.

As long as you don't keep it from his girlfriend because what he did was wrong. And let's hope she doesn't get mad at you because you know how girls get sometimes.

I believe after what he said your emotions on your crush is crushed.

I'm extremely sorry that you've had to experience that miss. It's quite a miserable thing to bear dealing with however i know a strong person by the way they write or speak so i know you can over come this painful sad situation, by the way that guy should be given what's coming for him.

I wouldn't continue to like him. if he cheated on her whose to say he won't cheat on you.

coffeelicious 11

"Happy. I'm happy if you'll get out of my sight right now."

Because of the lack of commas, I'm not sure if you liked him for ages, or you two had sex for ages.