By apav - 11/06/2009 11:52 - Australia

Today, I had my first appearance in a court as an attorney. I called the prosecution the prostitution. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 892
You deserved it 24 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Priceless. But depending on the case, there is a small possibility, you were still correct.

OppositesAttract_fml 0

Nice. XD FYL, but it's not your fault, we all mess up sometimes like that. ;P


LMAO. I'm going to start a clinical internship this fall as a public defender. I'm so going to remember this when I argue my first case.

TotallyBrit 0

Lmao!! This had me in stitches!! Good one!!

FMLGirl1991 0

happens all the time i'm sure. especially when people try to say organism but instead say ******. my bio teacher did that. it's a simple slip of the tongue. laugh it off and move on.

it happens...u are a lawyer however so congrats to u! good luck.

BigSky 5

Good luck living that one down. You won't be the first or the last to screw up on your first case. It's the ice breaker. Kudos for all your learning of the law.

DAxBomb 0

Well was the defendant being charged with prostitution lol Jk I can imagine the judge "Wtf was that for calling names will not help u win"

sofad15 0

haha )))) lol. That was great! My classmate during practice of oral argument called the judge as "Judge Redtie", because he was wearing a red tie and she was nervous and forgot his real name. man, those stories are funny.

simplewhimsy 0

Gave me a giggle at least. :D