By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 07:23

Today, I had my end of year physics exam. I wasn't sure about some stuff, so I hid my notes and textbook in the bathroom. Halfway through, I got up, went to the bathroom, and as soon as I picked up the book, forgot what I was looking for. I can't even cheat right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 777
You deserved it 53 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Wow. Your life sucks AND you deserve it. If you're too stupid to cheat, perhaps you should have tried studying...

It's okay OP, you don't wanna be a cheater. Now you wont get in the habit since you know you suck at it.


Am I the only one who found this amusing?

No, everybody else found it sooo boring. Must be why they even posted it...

olpally 32

Cheater cheater, pumpkin eater!!! Ydi! No sympathy for you here, op.

RedPillSucks 31

Pumpkin eater? Pumpkin is good for you. More like Cheater, cheater. Shit eater....

olpally 32

Dude, you read way too much into my comment. lol, it's a saying I heard all the time when I was younger, but yours is good too. Shit eater, nice touch on that one. Lol :D

Where I go to school, you can't leave during a test. YDI though - cheaters never prosper.

Uh maybe that's why you don't cheat...Dishonesty gets you nowhere. Just sayin'.

How have you passed a class as hard as physics all semester, and be THAT dumb?

Wooow, cheating always comes back to hurt you....nasty habit

Honestly, if people stopped wasting time and effort cheating and spent it studying, they would do so much better in school.

BradTheBrony 19

How much time and effort was spent PUTTING A ******* BOOK IN A BATHROOM? Dear god, that seems like the easiest thing in the world! I'm not saying that people should cheat, but that's a poor excuse not to!

Cheaters never win. If you aren't sure, ask for extra help or study harder. And they don't let us go to the bathroom during exams...weird.

Oh, are you talking about your comment?

BradTheBrony 19

Guys, calm down. He was trying to write a complete list of vintage YouTube comments but realized this wasn't his word document, and in a panic hit post! I'll carry out his mission! Lol fail lol win omg gay omg cute did he died omg ur so hott ur a faget

Don't forget: *** u stupid n gay FAAAAAKE