By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 07:23

Today, I had my end of year physics exam. I wasn't sure about some stuff, so I hid my notes and textbook in the bathroom. Halfway through, I got up, went to the bathroom, and as soon as I picked up the book, forgot what I was looking for. I can't even cheat right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 777
You deserved it 53 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Wow. Your life sucks AND you deserve it. If you're too stupid to cheat, perhaps you should have tried studying...

It's okay OP, you don't wanna be a cheater. Now you wont get in the habit since you know you suck at it.


auddylynne 0

Karma lol. Karma's a bitch

well maybe you should start studying .

Pretty smart I'm trying that one sometime

amak1228 3

It's karma for trying to cheat!

hahahahaha ydi thanks for the good laugh though stupid people aren't as useless as I thought oh no wait they are

stoptrying 9

You really shouldn't call people stupid when you can hardly type a coherent sentence.

What a coincidence, I just nailed my Physics finals without a cheat note, for the first time in history. Nailed it. I'm like really proud of myself right now.

Next time try maybe studying and not cheating - I'm a boss and if I catch people cheating and/ or lying you get fired !!

devendarling 5

That could get you expelled where I go. Too bad you weren't busted.

Just to think this world is full of you low life scum that will never contribute anything to society.