By Jester94752 - 15/03/2019 16:00

Today, a co-worker, who lives 30 minutes out of my way, had broken down so I picked him up. We were both 5 minutes late and both got fired. Our department takes 30-60 minutes to even start running. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 378
You deserved it 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

technology enables us to let our managers know these things beforehand. cellphones are made to communicate.... mind blown? sweet


technology enables us to let our managers know these things beforehand. cellphones are made to communicate.... mind blown? sweet

So did anyone call to say they'd be late? Why couldn't your coworker have found someone closer or taken a cab? Frankly YDI, no matter if your department takes time to start running or not, late is late. Though, five minutes and you are fired is a bit of a stretch, so I'm wondering what else you both have done, because if that is a consistent thing that you are late, then you still DI.